私達は、誠実なものづくりに励み 培った技術で社会貢献をします。
We will contribute to society by encouraging technology cultivated in sincere Manufacturing.

私達は、ものづくりをする事で人の成長を学んでいます。 私達は、技術探求と技術共有に力を注ぎ、常に生産技術を上げる努力をしています。 私達は、現状の生産体制に妥協することなく、新しい設備と新しい技術を取り入れて さらにいいものを作ります。 私達は、地元にこだわらず、世界各所にいいものを送り届けます。

We are studying the growth of the people by making the manufacturing. We are making efforts to increase the production technology always focus on technology exploration and technology sharing. We make the even more good to incorporate new technology and new equipment without compromising the current state of the production system. We forwarded the good things in the world each place if you do not care about the local.





It’s earlier and efficiently, a check and a precise measurement check with a two-dimensional high-speed sizer are being performed daily in order to satisfy the needs a customer requests (fitness for use).